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Lead Nurturing

Not all your leads will convert into customers – at first. Lead nurturing is a process that helps your unconverted leads understand that you provide what they’re looking for through customized messaging and offers.

How does it work?

Some people need a little more persuasion; another review from a happy customer, an explanation of how you’ve solved problems like theirs in the past or an offer that overcomes their objections. Lead nurturing does this by segmenting your unconverted leads into similar categories and then sending them messaging tailored to their particular needs. Lead Nurturing

Why does it work?

The way people shop and make purchase decisions has changed a lot in the last couple of years; people do a lot more research before they make a decision. That’s where communicating your business’ value over the course of a lead’s decision making process can set you apart from your competition.

If your website happened to be the first that a potential customer visited on their decision making journey, you’d certainly want to be reminding them of the edge you have over your competition a few days later when they’re closer to making a decision.

This entire process can be automated so that you can focus on your existing customers. When a lead being nurtured indicates that they’re ready to engage with you further, you’ll be ready to close the sale. Lead Nurturing

How do you know if this is what you need?

  • If you aren’t converting all your leads into sales.
  • If you have a long sales process and you’d like to automatically send your leads more information that will help them convert into a customer.

Why do businesses use a lead generation strategy?

  • It’s automated so it frees up your time
  • It sends the right message to each lead
  • It informs, educates and persuades
  • It primes prospects for sales engagement
  • It’s cost-effective

Get in touch with us to find out how we can help your business.